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Can I replace the non-prescribed Obagi products with something else?

Certain Obagi systems such as Obagi Nu-Derm and Obagi Cleniderm include products that are only available on prescription. This is because they contain ingredients that must be prescribed, which is why they aren’t sold over the counter.

The systems may appear expensive compared to over the counter products – but there is a reason for this. Obagi has over 30 years’ experience in skincare, and their systems have been formulated to work together to achieve the best results for a particular skincare concern. Obagi’s rigorous product development process includes thorough research of thousands of ingredients to find the most efficacious ones and the review of each form of these ingredients to identify the highest quality, most bio-available form.

From acne problems, melasma, wrinkles and sun damage to protection and maintenance, Obagi products have got it covered!

When you’re using an Obagi system that includes both prescribed and non-prescribed products you may think about replacing the non-prescribed products to save money. Understandable, of course, we all need to be careful about where we spend our hard-earned cash, especially at the moment.

But before you do that, you need to think about why a skincare system is a system in the first place!

The reason is that your skin will benefit if ingredients in all the skincare products you use, from serums and moisturisers to toners and sunscreen, work harmoniously. If they do, this is when you’ll see the results you are looking for.

If you mix Obagi prescribed products with cheaper non prescription products, you may find that the ingredients simply don’t complement each other and that you don’t get the expected results. At worst, they may clash with each other and your skin may even get worse.

For example, if your non-Obagi products are drying or exfoliating, you may find that your skin becomes irritated, or gets too dry.

You may also find that the products don’t last so long, so while you may think you’re saving money, in the long run it could cost the same.

If you decide to invest in an Obagi skincare system then you could consider a treatment bundle or payment plan to spread the cost over 6 or 12 months.

See what’s on offer at your local skincare clinic, and don’t forget to check out reviews, results guarantees and the experience of the clinicians while you’re doing your research.

You can compare these with our own reviews, results guarantee and team – just to give you a benchmark.

One of the benefits of purchasing Obagi prescription skincare with Brigstock Skin & Laser is that you will receive free advice and support – not just at the beginning but throughout your treatment. So if you want to discuss changing a non-prescription product with your practitioner, they will give you their honest opinion.

And by the way, there are many skincare systems that cost much more than Obagi, if you believe that adding platinum or caviar to your daily routine will make the difference!

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