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Thread lift post-treatment

Following your treatment you should find you are able to continue with your normal day to day activities with no down time. The lifting effects of the treatment will be immediately apparent. There will however be some small needle marks at the insertion points of the threads along with some associated redness. You are also likely to experience a little swelling as a result of your procedure although these immediate effects are likely to settle down within a few days.

Following your treatment you may feel a little tender. Although most patients don’t feel it necessary you may wish to take some paracetamol if you find this too uncomfortable. Most patients are able to feel the anchoring cones beneath their skin especially when applying make up and skin care products. This is perfectly normal and you should not be able to see despite this sensation.

Following the procedure you are advised to

  • Try to sleep on your back for 5 nights
  • Avoid wearing make up for 12 hours
  • Avoid undergoing a facials or facial massage for 10 days
  • Avoid extreme facial expressions or exercises for 2 weeks
  • Apply of anti-biotic cream as advised.
  • Attend a follow up review appointment as advised.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol, vigorous exercise, sun bathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 14 days
  • Apply cold packs to reducing swelling if necessary
  • Avoid using aspirin for 48 hours

The first 24 hours following your procedure is when swelling is likely to be at its worse. It should continue to reduce following this but please contact the clinic if you have any concerns. If you do find that you have some bruising you may find arnica helpful to reduce it.

Useful information

If you have any problems please ring the clinic immediately. If you are experiencing uncomfortable side-effects and it’s outside normal hours call the NHS help line on 111.

Also the following may be helpful.

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