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What is the best treatment for acne scarring?

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Having acne isn’t pleasant to start with, but to be left with scars after your skin has cleared up can be just as disheartening, if not downright depressing.

What causes acne scarring?

You don’t always get scarring with acne. It tends to happen when the nastier types of spots swell up, the pores break down, burst and the content of the blemishes spill into the surrounding tissue causing deeper scars. Remember that squeezing or picking spots can also cause scarring – so try not to do it!

Some acne blemishes are small and the scars created are quite shallow. These usually heal up very quickly.

What do the scars look like?

  • Rolling scars: the skin has a rolling, uneven appearance, caused by bands of scar tissue under the skin
  • Depressed scars, also known as Ice Pick scars: smallish deep holes that sit below the surface of the skin – as the name suggests, they look like puncture wounds
  • Boxcar scars: these have the appearance of small craters in the skin, usually round or oval shaped

Depressed scars often become more noticeable as we age and our skin loses its collagen.

The scars are making me miserable, can anything be done?

There are a variety of treatments that can make acne scars less noticeable. For example:

  • Dermabrasion: this is where the top layer of the skin is removed by an applicator using micro crystals or a wire brush
  • Laser treatment: lasers can either be used to remove the skin around the scar to produce smoother skin or to stimulate collagen production
  • Obagi Nu-Derm and micro needling combined treatment: this combination can help reduce scarring, making it much softer and smoother

How does the combined treatment work?

Brigstock Skin & Laser’s experienced technicians recommend using the Obagi Nu-Derm system for six weeks. The system penetrates below the skin’s surface to transform skin cell functions at the cellular level and correct any damage. During the six week period, old, dead skin cells are replaced with fresh skin cells.

The next stage of the treatment is micro needling (also called collagen induction therapy), once a month for three months. Micro needling involves pricking the scarred area with tiny, sterilized needles. The minute wounds created cause the body to think the skin has been damaged, so it directs more collagen and elastin and blood supply to the area. This helps to heal the skin and make the scarring softer, tighter, and less noticeable. It also helps make your skin look much younger!

How do I know if the treatment is right for me?

Before you commit to any treatment for acne scarring, you should book a consultation to discuss your options. Most clinics offer a free consultation. If you have any questions or concerns, this is when you can talk them through.

As well as a free consultation, things to consider when choosing a clinic is the experience of the technicians who will be carrying out the treatment for acne scarring as this could make the difference between the treatment giving you the results you want, or not. Some clinics offer a results guarantee so check this out.

Other important considerations include quality controls and client reviews. It really is worth comparing clinics before you make your initial appointment. After all, you want to be confident that you will receive the highest quality treatment from a clinic that is committed to client satisfaction.

You can use the Brigstock Skin & Laser website to make your own comparisons. Don’t forget to check out our results guarantee and our reviews. If you would like to book a free consultation with us you can do this online or by calling 0208 6836730.

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