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Summer breakout? Don’t panic!

Summer’s here, music festivals are in full swing and there’s plenty of partying to be had! You want to look your best, feel confident and totally boss it.

Then you get a break out. Noooooo! It’s not fair, we agree, but unfortunately acne can become more of an issue in the summer months. Just when you really, really don’t want it.

So why does it happen and what can you do to minimise any summer flares?

What causes summer acne?

There’s not just one cause, the reason for those nasty inflammatory spots very much depends on factors including your skin, diet and the environment you’re in.

But if you have naturally oily skin, during the summer months it has to cope with increased humidity and sweating. While this is totally normal, when oily skin mixes with dirt and bacteria it can lead to clogged pores.

In addition, when the skin is exposed to sunlight it renews itself more quickly – and when you come out of the sun it slows down. Dead cells remain on the surface, again leading to clogged pores.

What can I do to stop this from happening?

There are some simple measures you can take:

  • Blot excess sweat from your face with a clean cloth. Don’t wipe it roughly as this can irritate your skin even more. .
  • It’s also a good idea to wash sweaty items of clothing regularly – this includes headbands and hats.
  • Also wash cosmetic brushes every week and change bedding frequently – especially pillowcases.
  • Keep yourself as cool as you can, staying out of the sun as much as possible and finding shady spots to relax in.
  • Shower to keep your skin cool and clean, particularly after a work-out or pool swim.
  • You may be happy without make up in the summer months, but it’s important to keep to your cleansing routine in the morning and evening to stay on top of the natural oil build up.
  • Be good to yourself with a diet that prioritizes fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid processed foods, meat, and dairy.

What if my acne just won’t go away?

If your acne is bringing you down in the summer, you’ve tried everything you can think of and nothing seems to help, then it may be time to consider a medical-based treatment.

Your GP may prescribe a course of antibiotics or retinoic acid, but these do have side effects that you’ll need to be aware of.

You can also try a prescription-only skincare system such as Obagi Clenziderm. This won’t give instant results, but it will give long-term benefits for an acne-free skin. With systems like this, your skin will be more sensitive to the sun while you are using the product – but if you’re staying out of the sun anyway to prevent your acne worsening, then you can just follow the same rules.

How do I go about finding out more?

These products need a prescription for a reason – because they contain ingredients that can only be prescribed. A specialist clinic will offer you a free initial appointment to discuss how system like Obagi Clenziderm can help with your acne. They should also provide free reviews and be available if you have any queries.

When you’re choosing a clinic, check out reviews on the website, Google and Trustpilot. Ask if they have a results guarantee and what it actually means. Make sure you are confident with the experience and training levels of the clinicians – their expertise will ensure you get the results you want.

You can find out more about Obagi at Brigstock Skin & Laser, book your free consultation online now by clicking here or call us on 020 868 36730.

Enjoy the summer!

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