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Are you fearful about fillers? We talk you through the potential risks and how to avoid them!

Dermal fillers are injections used to plump out lines and wrinkles by adding volume to the soft tissue in facial areas including the mouth, cheeks, around the eyes, lips  and jawline. They are also used to combat dark circles.

Most fillers are in the form of an injectable gel that contains hyaluronic acid, a sugar molecule that occurs naturally in the skin.

The result is a more natural look than with some other aesthetic treatments. However, the effect is not permanent as eventually the body will break down the dermal filler, absorbing it without leaving a trace. Typically fillers last between 6 and 12 months, depending on the type of filler and the area of the face being treated. They can be topped up as necessary.

Some of the main benefits of fillers are that the treatment is minimally invasive, the effects are temporary, and the procedure is relative quick. This differs from surgery, which is invasive, permanent and requires recovery time – which can be up to six weeks. For many, the non-permanency of the treatment is an advantage as it ensures there is no risk that they will be stuck with a look they did not expect forever!

Are there any risks?

The answer to this question is that potentially yes, there are. However if you use a professional clinic which has experienced practitioners, the risks are incredibly low.

Firstly, what should you look for in a clinic?

The most important thing is experience. So when researching your clinic, ask about the training that the team has had and what qualifications your practitioner has. You don’t want your treatment carried out by someone who has only undertaken a short training course.

Check whether the clinic has industry certification such as quality controls. Do they provide a results guarantee, and are they insured?

The clinic should offer you a free consultation so you can discuss what you would like to achieve from your treatment and whether dermal fillers are the right choice for you.

So, on to the risks of dermal fillers. This very much depends on the procedure being carried out correctly and the type of filler that has been used. Problems are very rare, but can include:

  • Infection
  • A lumpy appearance
  • The filler moving from the treatment area
  • Scarring
  • Blocked blood vessels

The fact is that with many aesthetic treatments there are risks – but as long as you do your homework and have your treatment carried out by a qualified, experienced practitioner, you really shouldn’t worry too much.

What if I do experience problems?

You may experience a little redness, swelling or soreness to start with. Please follow all the aftercare advice you have been given as this will help minimise the chance of you experiencing problems.

If you’re unhappy with the results of your dermal fillers, you should talk to the clinic. This is what a results guarantee is for.

If you have any problems such as lumpiness, you should contact the clinic straight away for advice.

Is it painful?

Most patients feel a slight prick when the needle enters the skin, but when the fillers are being injected, there should be no real sensation. This is because there’s an anaesthetic in the injection which numbs the area.

What’s the difference between dermal fillers and Botox?

Both are minimally invasive, but while Botox is used for facial lines caused by muscle movement such as frowning or squinting, fillers address the loss of plumpness. While fillers use hyaluronic acid, Botox uses botulinum toxin to ‘freeze’ the muscle by blocking nerve signals.

I’d like to try dermal fillers, where do I start?

Find a clinic that’s right for you. Brigstock Skin & Laser will give you a great start when comparing clinics.

  • Check out our video and written reviews here
  • Read about our results guarantee here
  • Find out about our team, including aesthetic technicians here
  • Discover our fees and payment packages here

If you would like to talk to us or book a free initial consultation, we would be pleased to hear from you.

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