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Carrot and Coriander Soup

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes


8 carrots finely chopped
2 sweet potato finely chopped
2 onions finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
1 pint of chicken stock or bone broth
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 handful of chopped fresh coriander

Carrot and Coriander is a classic soup and for good reason. The taste of carrot and coriander complement each other perfectly. Pretty much all the soup ingredients are packed full of antioxidants and vitamins; all ideal for healthy vibrant looking skin. The cumin is particularly high in Vitamin E. The sweet potatoes and carrots are full of Beta-Carotene. The coriander is full of Vitamin C (and you’ll notice in this recipe it isn’t cooked to prevent it from denaturing). Finally the collagen in the bone broth is a wonderful compound for promoting your skin’s youthful elasticity and preventing wrinkles.


  1. Gently fry your onions and garlic until they begin to brown.
  2. Add your carrots and sweet potato and fry until they begin to brown.
  3. In a separate pan dry fry your cumin seeds until they begin to smoke. Combine these with your vegetables and add your stock. Boil for around 20 minutes until your vegetables are cooked through.
  4. Take your pan from the stove before adding your coriander to prevent it from cooking.
  5. Now blend with a hand blender and serve immediately. This dish goes particularly well with my wheat free bread from a jug.
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